Laura’s Team
2 Team Members

Curamericas Global is running its 4th annual Mom-a-thon, “a race to save lives.” The goal is to raise $500,000, which will allow us to reach over 145,000 families. Curamericas Global is an organization based in North Carolina that partners with underserved communities to improve the health and survival rates of mothers and children. An increase in access to healthcare provides a cascade of benefits to the community including increased economic activity, increased access to education, and most importantly longer, healthier lives.

• A gift of $2,500 will support house-to-house visitation and family support for one year in a community of 1,000 people
• A gift of $1,000 will support a community health worker for a year
• A gift of $500 will serve a neighborhood of 35 mothers and babies for a year
• A gift of $140 will reach five families with health care for a year
• A gift of $84 will reach three families with health care for a year
• A gift of $28 will reach one family with health care for an entire year

Each dollar you give is multiplied through matching grants, the local government and the communities themselves!

    Curamericas Global is running its 4th annual Mom-a-thon, “a race to save lives.” The goal is to raise $500,000, which will allow us to reach over 145,000 families. Curamericas Global is an organization based in North Carolina that partners with underserved communities to improve the health and survival rates of mothers and children. An increase in access to healthcare provides a cascade of benefits to the community including increased economic activity, increased access to education, and most importantly longer, healthier lives.

    • A gift of $2,500 will support house-to-house visitation and family support for one year in a community of 1,000 people
    • A gift of $1,000 will support a community health worker for a year
    • A gift of $500 will serve a neighborhood of 35 mothers and babies for a year
    • A gift of $140 will reach five families with health care for a year
    • A gift of $84 will reach three families with health care for a year
    • A gift of $28 will reach one family with health care for an entire year

    Each dollar you give is multiplied through matching grants, the local government and the communities themselves!

    Team Goals!
    pledged of $500 goal
    0% Complete

    pledge participants out of 10 goal
    10% Complete

    • Laura Dugom
      Team Captain

    Thank You To Our Sponsors

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